Technical service
Save time by optimising your visit schedules. Invoice faster and never lose receipts or work slips anymore. Have end-to-end transparency between you, your workers, your subcontractors and your customers.
The Background
The origins of Reslink lie in the support of workflow management within the brewing industry, and to this day technical service remains at the core of Reslink's business. At present, Reslink Platform can support a variety of technical maintenance tasks in various industries, including the brewing industry, construction business, manufacturing, and property maintenance.'
Reslink Platform & Technical Service today
Reslink Platform can handle both recurring and individual visits, whether it be for maintenance, repairs, or any other task. The system manages scheduling and allocation for recurring visits, freeing up management to focus on other tasks. One-off tasks can be created through both mobile and web applications, allowing the Platform's workflow to support the customer's process, and providing greater visibility into the actions of subcontractors.
Progress on tasks can also be provided to the customer through automatic notifications, improving the overall service experience. The ability to allocate tasks (both recurring and one-off) in the same calendar provides a better overall view of workloads and makes task planning easier. Sending urgent jobs through push notifications reduces response time.
Utilising the data gathered by Reslink Platform
All visit data is stored in the cloud under the customer's account, allowing historical data to be used for planning new work (web) and performing work (mobile). Using Reslink, various functions and workflows can be combined; tasks performed will automatically generate billing data (mileage, time used, articles) and any material transfers can be done at the same time. Visit data can also be utilised through integration with billing systems, analytical tools, or CRM.

Workflow Management
A workflow management system that ensures efficient scheduling of recurring visits, while also taking into consideration factors such as frequency and optimal timing. Allows for transparency and communication between the company and subcontractors through the recording and tracking of all visits. Offers comprehensive service and inventory reports to provide a clear overview of service provision.

Digital Forms
Survey and document workload and task descriptions before committing personnel to them.